At the time of writing Im doing the “Whole Life Challenge” with the Hillseeker Crossfit family and friends. It requires at least ten minutes of workout a day, and I decided to put together some Daily Ten Minute Travel WoDs for those with limited time, experience or the inspiration to put together their own.
These WoDs are a bit different from most travel WoDs out on the interweb, 1) They are self contained and include some form of warm up, 2) The include some brief coaching cues, 3) They are designed to be done on consequentive days and have variation across exercises between legs, arm, core and pushing/pulling. Here are the WoDs for week 2 of the Challenge.
Saturday – Run Interrupted
You are going to walk/jog/run ten minutes depending on your ability. If you have 20 minutes combine your WoD with foot and leg mobilizations eg Foot and Leg Mobs for Tisha
Pick an out and back course, head out and use the first five minutes to warm up and gradually increase your pace. Pay attention to your surroundings; street furniture, fallen logs, rocks etc. You are looking for one or two “barriers”; things that will crop up at least 10 times on the way back.
Head back, your objective is to get back in five minutes, but at each “barrier” you must perform 10, then 9, 8, 7, 6… 1 air squats (full range of motion, hips below knees, then FULL extension at the top)… thereafter it’s a free dash for the line. Advanced version is start at 20 squats, then 18 etc or/and head out six minutes.
Sunday – Active Recovery Day
Pick something you like doing but havent done for a while and go do it. Bowling, roller skating, whatever. In my case it was skiing…
Monday – Hand-less Stands
Spend ten minutes finding as many different ways as possible to get up from lying on your back to standing without using your arms or hands at all. To scale start by not using your hands, or not using your hands or forearms.