



Welcome to the templeman.net and templemanadvisory.net website.

Here you will find details of my background, expertise, past projects and how I add value to my portfolio companies. There is also the (very) occasional blog style post about things that seemed interesting to share.

Enjoy! Daniel

About Me

About Me

I’m an experienced commercially-oriented Chartered Accountant and finance professional, with 15 years experience as CFO in private equity funded international groups, each a leader in its respective industry.  In 2012 I took a new professional direction, and now divide my time between a portfolio of companies and projects and have supported three start-ups to successful exits by their founders.

I build long term relationships with each company in my portfolio, providing non-executive director and advisory services, as well as hands-on support for key and strategic projects.  Where appropriate I invest or work on a risk/reward basis.